
Routine appointments

You can book an appointment to see one of our Doctors in advance, for routine appointments. Alternatively, you can call from 8.00am each morning to request an urgent same day appointment either face to face or telephone.

Urgent Appointments

People requiring urgent mental health support can find their local 24/7 NHS urgent mental health helpline and other support options at

Cancelling your appointment

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

Consult with a Doctor online


Extended Access

Evening and Saturday appointments are available through General Practice across Tameside via your Primary Care Network, you can find out more about these appointments via your General Practice reception.

Home Visits

Please try to request a home visit before 10am. Our Doctors will make a decision as to whether to give advice over the telephone or visit. Lack of transport in itself is not a reason for a home visit.

District Nurse & Health Visitor Services are not available at the Surgery. Please contact Dewsnap Lane Clinic on 0161 330 5266